What if one simple shift in your coaching business could help you double your income, while working less?

Many coaches struggle because ...

They can't get enough clients

It's hard to stand out in the crowd

They're confused about offers and pricing

There's a simple solution ...

Train to be accountability coach, and you'll have people saying, "Sign me up!"

How to get new coaching clients

Help people achieve lasting results

How to get new coaching clients

Earn more while working fewer hours

How to get new coaching clients

Have more time to do everything you enjoy in life

Imagine being able to ...

  • Confidently answer the question, "What do you do?"
  • Have an easier time getting clients because you know you can help them reach their goals
  • Stand out from the crowd of other coaches
  • Spend less time but make more money

Accountability coaching works in every niche

Or it can be its own niche!

So if you don't have a niche, you can stop worrying (whew!)

Introducing ...

The Accountability Coach Training Program (ACT), with Mary Schiller

Create a simple, powerful & profitable coaching business

Help people succeed, and you'll have clients for life.

Because people pay for results, not for "coaching"

"I am not afraid to reach out and if someone wants help, I KNOW this will help them.

Results are so fast! It is more fun, as Mary says, and you watch people blossom before your eyes. Because you don't have to offer a 6-month, etc., program, you can really make it appealing for them to give it a try and they will get benefit right away!"

Chris de la Cruz

Coach & ACT grad

"When I joined the Accountability Coach Training program, I started to get things done. It boosted me to do my first accountability programs: a free challenge and a paid accountability online program. I also now have a lot of ideas for the future.

I think this is the missing piece that is needed in all coaching."

Juha Kivinen

Coach & ACT grad

With accountability coaching, the options are endless

How to get new coaching clients

Add accountability into your current coaching business

How to get new coaching clients

Do accountability coaching on its own, without a niche

How to get new coaching clients

Get going fast, without fancy tech or an email list

What's included in ...

The Accountability Coach Training Program (ACT)

Lifetime access to a 6-module, step-by-step online course



Discover what accountability coaching is and why there are so many opportunities.



There is no simpler offer than asking someone, "Is there a goal you'd like to reach? I can help."



Learn insider secrets of being an amazing accountability coach who earns more & works less.



Once you know the basics from this program, you're ready to start coaching & making money!



Jumpstart your biz. Have a niche? Great. No niche, website or email list? No problem!



Bring in more business by learning and practicing new skills & using simple tech.



Discover what accountability coaching is and why there are so many opportunities.



Learn insider secrets of being an amazing accountability coach who earns more & works less.



Jumpstart your biz. Have a niche? Great. No niche, website or email list? No problem!



There is no simpler offer than asking someone, "Is there a goal you'd like to reach? I can help."



Once you know the basics from this program, you're ready to start coaching & making money!



Bring in more business by learning and practicing new skills & using simple tech.

Plus these irresistible bonuses

How to get new coaching clients

BONUS: An audio QuickStart program to get going fast

How to get new coaching clients

BONUS: 15 days of 1:1 coaching via the Voxer app (start within the first 2 months of enrollment) Worth $997

BONUS: A pre-designed mini-website that you can customize and set up for free, if you want. (Turn on the sound for a meditative moment here) Worth $1,000

We you click the button below, you'll be taken to a secure order form.

Accountability coaching is not about being a taskmaster

It's showing people how capable they are

and then reminding them when they forget

"Joining Mary’s Accountability Coach Training program finally helped me take action towards setting up my coaching business after years of wanting it and signing up to many programs promising to help me do it but without any results.

I’ve managed to reach a goal I’ve had for years in just a week of taking a small step each day."

Mireille Lepelblad

Coach & ACT grad

I have finally been able to get out of my own way. …

This program has shown me that I am capable and competent, which I thought I had somehow lost.

I love the simplicity of the approach, and anyone who is a coach or wants to start a coaching business can do it."

Mary Strange

ACT grad

Mary Schiller, creator of the exclusive Accountability Coach Training program (ACT)


  • This program is focused on taking small, doable steps so that you are not overwhelmed.
  • When you take a small step every day, you'll make progress on creating the online coaching business you really want.
  • I'll do everything I can to help you succeed. You're not in this alone.
  • I've been teaching accountability coaching and working with people in this way since 2020 and LOVE IT.

To make it easy for you to succeed, here is everything you receive in the Accountability Coach Training Program (ACT)

  • 42 video lessons, all downloadable, that walk you through everything step-by-step
  • Transcripts in case you prefer to read
  • Simple, daily steps to keep you on track
  • Weekly commitment statements to help you stay focused
  • Weekly encouragement messages
  • Suggestions for simple tech setups
  • Everything you need to create a thriving coaching business
  • BONUS: 11-audio QuickStart program, all downloadable
  • BONUS: 15 days of 1:1 coaching using the free Voxer app within 2 months of enrolling (worth $997)
  • BONUS: A mini done-for-you website (worth $1,000)

We you click the button below, you'll be taken to a secure order form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a coach already?

No, but if you are, that's great, too. You'll learn how to work less, earn more, and create even better results for clients. What you need is a willingness to learn and then to put yourself out there.

How much time will it take me to do this program?

If you're ambitious, you can complete the QuickStart in a few days. The video program is designed to be completed over 6 weeks in about 20 minutes a day, but you can go as quickly or as slowly as you like.

Are all the modules released on Day 1?

Yes. The program is delivered online all at once. Everything is downloadable.

Does Accountability Coach Training include any personal support?

Yes. You'll receive 15 days of 1:1 coaching using the free Voxer app (you just need to start within 2 months of joining the program). This alone is worth $997.

Is there a refund policy or money-back guarantee?

All sales are final. I want you to commit to this program because I know how valuable it can be for you. I am committed to you 100 percent. So let's meet in that beautiful commitment middle. Although I wish I could guarantee your financial success, unfortunately I cannot. That is up to you and the steps you take, personally. There are no promises made as to how much money you could earn by enrolling in this program. If you're not committed, then please do not enroll.

What if I have more questions?

Here are links to the privacy policy, disclaimer and terms & conditions. Any other questions, please email mary at maryschiller.com or mary at maryinparis.com.

What if I'm nervous about buying?

It's normal to be nervous and also excited about making a decision like this. Take your time and be sure it's what you want before you purchase. This is an investment in yourself, your life and your business, and it may or may not be the right time for you. Consider carefully.. There are no refunds, cancellations or exchnages on this program; no exceptions.

In all my experience as both a coach and a coachee, I’ve not come across a training more on point than the Accountability Coach Training.

Mary provides the missing ingredient to virtually any program or coaching out there.

I’ve personally made more progress with less effort than in any past program I’ve taken. I look forward to offering something I know works and will make a difference in any coaching arena."

Linda Hough

ACT grad

“I’m a habits coach, and I realized early on that daily check-ins with my clients would be a critical part of my coaching, but I wasn’t sure how to do that effectively.

Mary’s Accountability Coaching training filled in the blanks for me and gave me the structure and the clarity to do that.

Focusing on daily accountability has made a real difference in the results my clients are seeing and now forms the foundation for the work I do. Thanks, Mary!”

Sandy Oluwek

Coach & ACT grad

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Questions? Contact: Mary at MaryInParis.com • TermsPrivacy DisclaimerHome

Mary Schiller / SVP Consulting, Inc.

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